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Localized Management of Sinus Floor (LMSF)

Localized management of sinus floor (LMSF) achieves implant placement and sinus lifting simultaneously. LMSF is a further application of the principles of the edentulous ridge expansion (ERE) technique. It comprises the dissection of a partial-thickness flap, the buccal expansion of the residual alveolar bone, and the fracture and elevation of the sinus floor with simultaneous implant placement. The selected patients, who showed no signs of sinus pathology, exhibited insufficient vertical alveolar bone dimensions for the placement of dental implants with the traditional technique. The minimal residual alveolar bone height was between 5 and 7 mm. Based on the criteria established by Albrektsson and his coworkers in 1986, the success rate of the 499 implants placed with the LMSF was 97.5%.(Code by Dr.Buschi et al;1998.Three hundred three patients were treated with 499 implants placed using the LMSF between April 1988 and December 1993)
#Clinical Report by Dr. Perio:

@LMSF with Wide Implant + Bone Grafting: (Dec10,05)

PostSx 1wk>>><<PostSx 4 months---

@Final restoration (May30,06')-post implantation 6 months later

#15GBR + #16LMSF (Dec05')

@Post Sx 5 months (May06')


At 7:10 pm, Blogger Ajou Huang said...

Implant therapy can be improved in areas
with a comprised quality and amount of
bone, which are often found in the posterior
maxilla. This is made possible by
the use of different osteotome techniques,
such as the bone added osteotome sinus
floor elevation technique (BAOSFE) and
the future site development technique (FSD).
The use of osteotomes:
• allows implant placement in areas of
limited bone height and width
• improves initial implant stability
• improves implant success in the
• simplifies sinus elevation
• increases case acceptance

At 8:38 pm, Blogger Ajou Huang said...

Hi Bmikew:

The partial thickness flap for ERE is that will keep the buccal green-stick fracture bone flap vital.
If not, it shall fix bone plate(wire or screw..) first then full thickness flap to cover it.
Dr. Simion from Italy had maden GBR with membrane after ridge splitting under full thickness flap.


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