A professional blog for periodontal disease control and dental implantation. 2nd part click Dental implant professional
Third molars may have a negative impact on periodontal health
The finding of more severe periodontal conditions associated with visible third molars in these middle-aged and older adults indicates that third molars may continue to have a negative impact on periodontal health well into later life. The relationship between third molars and periodontal disease pathogenesis deserves further study using longitudinal data... More>>>
A consensus development conference on Removal of Third Molars was held at the National Institutes of Health on November 28-3O, 1979. More than 200 practicing dentists and scientists, representing all disciplines within the profession, met in an effort to reach general agreement on when and under what circumstances third molar extraction is advised and to identify areas where further research is needed.
Summary :
The conference participants carefully examined the long-established practice of third molar removal. A number of clinical procedures were endorsed; others were controversial but identified as subjects for additional research. A number of well-defined criteria for the removal of third molars emerged. They are, in part, infection, nonrestorable carious lesions, cysts, tumors, and destruction of adjacent teeth and bone. There is less morbidity associated with removal of these teeth in the young than in the older patient.
The effectiveness of removal of third molars to prevent crowding of lower incisors is not borne out by the studies currently available. Third molar bud removal in youngsters, based on predictive studies, is not currently an acceptable practice in view of available knowledge. Clinical experience suggests that morbidity and serious complications may be reduced if impacted teeth are removed at an early age. The observation is not disputed by available data, but there is enough question about the life-cycle of impacted third molars to suggest the need for well-designed prospective studies of the subject.
Full Report>>>
*Severe infrabony defect caused from impacted 3rd molar >> regeneration surgery with Emdogain + Dynagraft --- Case report by Dr.Perio
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