
Edentulous Ridge Expansion (E.R.E.)

Developed by Scipioni, Bruschi and Calesini, 1986.
*Not MEMBRANE-guided & not much involved with BONE GRAFTs.
*Permit the dental implants insertion with ideal dimensions.
*Experimental results from the animal studies confirmed the bone augmentation.

The advantages of the ERE
1. Greater bone density
2. Possible in patients with maxillary sinusitis
3. Shorter healing time
4. Lower material costs
5. Faster prosthetic restoration

Requirements for bone splitting technique
@ A minimum ridge width of 2-3 mm to guarantee spongiose bone within lamellar splitting region;
@ A minimum bone height of 10 mm; splitting process should < 70% of the total bone height.
@ Bone Quality : D3~4 Clinical Procedure by Dr. Perio(Nov30,05):

Ridge Splitting Technique in Lower Anterior Region: (Surgery by Dr. Perio)
@Piezoelectric Ridge Expansion technique

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