Immediate implants after extraction

Another advantage is represented by a shortening in treatment time, since with immediate placement it is not necessary to wait 6-9months for healing and bone neoformation of the socket bed to takeplace. Patient acceptance of this advantage is good , and psychological stress is avoided by suppressing the need for repeat surgery for implantation .

Preservation of the vestibular cortical component allows precise implant placement, improves the prosthetic emergence profile, and more over preserves the morphology of the peri-implant soft tissues- thereby affording improved esthetic-prostheticperformance.

>>> Provisional prostheses insertion
waiting final prostheses.>>>
Final restoration<<
Dr Buser's Commends for Immediate Implantation after Tooth Extraction:
(+Advantage /- Disadvantage)
+ Shorter treatment time
+ No bone resorption prior to implant placement
- Implant bed preparation is more difficult
- Bone augmentation procedure is needed
- Primary soft tissue closure is difficult to obtain
- Problematic in infected sites
*The articles of "Immediate Implantation in Fresh Extraction Sockets"
The surgical requirements for immediate implantation include extraction with the least trauma possible, preservation of the extraction socket walls and thorough alveolar curettage to eliminate all pathological material. Primary stability is an essential requirement, and is achieved with an implant exceeding the alveolara pex by 3-5 mm, or by placing an implant of greater diameter than the remnant alveolus. Esthetic emergence in the anterior zone is achieved by 1-3 mm sub-crest implantation. Regarding guided regeneration of the alveolar bone, the literature lacks consensus on the use of membranes and the type of filler material required. While primary wound closure is desirable, some authors do not consider it to be of great relevance.
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