Interdental Papilla Recontruction

Loss of the interproximal papilla may create phonetic problems or predispose to interproximal food entrapment and is esthetically displeasing. An interproximal contact point and an adequate level of bone support are essential for maintenance of a healthy papilla that completely fills the interproximal space. If certain vertical or horizontal interproximal dimensions are exceeded, the papilla may be either partially or totally lost. For example, with excessive horizontal spacing,a diastema can develop and the papilla will be lost; vertically,the likelihood that the papilla will fill the interproximalspace decreases as the alveolar crest to contact point distance increases beyond 5 mm. Surgical therapy to reconstruct the papilla is a promising area of development that is surgically challenging due to the small size of the interproximal site and the lack of blood supply. Regeneration of lost papilla height with periodic curettage has been reported in cases of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. Orthodontic therapy to establish or lengthen a contact is useful incertain situations. Surgical techniques that have been utilized to reconstruct a lost papilla include a modification of the roll technique; soft tissue grafting, sometimes accompanied by a semilunar coronally positioned flap; or a combination of hard tissue and soft tissue grafting. Adapted from J perio: Informational Paper Oral Reconstructive and Corrective Considerationsin Periodontal Therapy*
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I have very aggressive bone loss and severe papilla loss for someone my age and is continuing to get worse each year. I have spoken to at least 12 periodontists in the last 8 years and all are not able to help me. They all say, nothing can be done to regrow papilla and correct vertical bone height lost.
I really hope that there is a periodontist that can help me to restore my mouth. I've gotten this way, I believe because of digestion problems (yeast infection?) and aggressive grinding of my teeth and removing of teeth when I had my braces. If anyone has any info on a recommendation of a dentist in the New Jersey area, I would be so very greatful!!! I cannot express how much it would mean to me to have my confidence back. I may be able to travel if one is not in my state. Any additional advice would be helpful. Thank you very much.
Hi anonymous:
I am very sorry of your hopeless answers from your 12 periodontists.
It's right from your dentists;there are very difficult for restore back from the severe periodontal destruction of front teeth, especially interdental papillae loss. Only I can give you advice to believe your dental experts, your problems from your statements need team work treatment=periodontal,orthodontic and prosthetic treatments. You achievements for perfect corrections should compare with teeth extraction/bone augmentation/dental implants for pro & con.
You ought to show your expectation and choose a treatment plan to get start.
Can you comment on the latest predictable way to construct and interdental papilla? I am 42 and and iatrogenic damage to my gums (all interdental papilla lost except for 8 teeth). It's in both the upper and lower. I have excellent periodontal health (1-3mm pocketing). Are there fibroblasts available (like Isolagen study) that is commercially available or protocol that is successful for superior cosmetic result? Bone loss is about 1mm at crestal bone, not significant in my case - and even. I can send photos/xrays if you wish (I also have no implants or restorations).
Thank you so kindly.
Can you comment on the latest predictable way to construct and interdental papilla? I am 42 and and iatrogenic damage to my gums (all interdental papilla lost except for 8 teeth). It's in both the upper and lower. I have excellent periodontal health (1-3mm pocketing). Are there fibroblasts available (like Isolagen study) that is commercially available or protocol that is successful for superior cosmetic result? Bone loss is about 1mm at crestal bone, not significant in my case - and even. I can send photos/xrays if you wish (I also have no implants or restorations).
Thank you so kindly.
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